古典吧>英语词典>door guard翻译和用法

door guard

英 [dɔː(r) ɡɑːd]

美 [dɔːr ɡɑːrd]

网络  门警装置



  • Someone is standing at the door with the guard.'Jennet,'he says quietly.
  • From immigration policies as door guard to the endurance of different identities, Canadian identity shows itself as a fan-like open-ended area that has the sameness of Canadian nation as its starting point and multiethnic culture as its radiant sector.
  • I was there watching the door as a guard as David made Solomon his successor as the King of Israel and Solomon receiving his last instructions from his father, David.
  • A glass door cuts the corns of the National Guard when they try to mount on the barricade. Pardi!
  • In IT times, none-contact radiofication card technologies have been gradually applied on various fields, especially on the fields of automatization, business automatization, traffic flow, door guard and military affair.
  • Production of a Door Scratch Guard.
  • I took the elevator to the first floor and as I stood by the door, the guard there asked," was the old lady able to help you?"
  • This system not only expenses few in investment, but also availably overcome the weakness of the single door of the small bank that usually use it to guard against rob, and raises the financial places safety consumedly.
  • Outside each door a guard sprang to attention as they approached
  • When the equipment is normally running, opening the power cabinet door and insulated guard board of furnace body is strictly prohibited.